Tuesday, August 15, 2006



A lot has happened since the last update that Nate Posted! He went and returned from Russia, played two shows there and did a ton of street evangalizing. I am sure that He will have a lot more to say about that in the future! As far as TheSoulPrinciple goes; we are playing a concert that is free to the public, so come and see... "TheSoulPrinciple; A Time To Unite". We are being hosted by the "Sandy Assembly of God located at 3900 Hwy 26 at the east end of Sandy 97055. This is a gathering of youth groups in the Sandy area but the show is open to the public! It will start at six o'clock on Saterday September 9th so come and bring your friends!
Right now Nate is working in Seatle and will be there until Thursday so we have been having practices without him (it is really weird :) and next week Ian and Craig head out to California for a short term mission trip that our church does every year. They will be gone for a week, so we are a little crunched on time but by God's grace we will survive and be ready for the show.
I just returned from the Soverign Grace worship conference held in Maryland, wow it was so rich. God really used that conference to open my eyes to truths that I have never seen before so I can't help but share them. The first is the simple yet completely complex fact that all of God's wrath was completly poured out onto His son Jesus Christ, who was willing to take such wrath out of love for us, complete sinners. Just being reminded of that blows me away and makes me so grateful. But I also learned to expect God's presence in His church. This was an eye opener for me, I think that I am not alone in that going to curch becomes such a routine thing that I forget God said in His word that He is there and ready to commune with us every Sunday. Not to say that we cannot commune with God when we are not at church, no; not at all. That is the amazing God we serve, ready to be with us anytime anywhere. But there is a special significance to the church in God's eyes. So many times I miss out on that and just let Sunday morning be another day. That was one thing that I learned from the conference, the rest of the conference was so amazing as well. God really used it.
Well I am totally stoked to see how God is going to use the show on September 9th. I do expect His presence there and look forward to it endlesly. I hope to see you there...

For Him, Harlan

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